While we recommend seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, the most important way to…

4 Practices to Avoid Workplace Injuries
Whether you work at a desk or on your feet, workplace injuries can be sudden and unexpected. They can range from as simple and small as a papercut to much more drastic incidents. No matter where you work, there are preventative measures you can take to help ensure your safety. Implementing these 4 practices can help you avoid workplace injuries.
Use good form when heavy lifting
Some jobs might require you to exert large amounts of force and strength to move heavy objects. This can put a lot of strain and stress on your body. Something to keep in mind while doing this kind of work is the form you use. It’s important to avoid lifting with your back and use your legs instead. This can help prevent back injuries and other strains that can occur.
You should also remember to keep a wide base by keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground and shoulder width apart. This will help you avoid becoming unbalanced and possibly falling over. No matter what you’re lifting, it’s always a good idea to have others around just in case something were to happen.
Take breaks and stretch
Whether you work a physically demanding job or an office job, it’s important to take breaks throughout your day. This can look different depending on your daily activities. For example, someone who sits at a desk should stand up and take walks during their breaks, while someone who is on their feet all day should do the opposite and relax by sitting down.
While you’re taking a break from working, you should also take the time to stretch your arms, legs, back, and neck. Whatever your job may be, these are common areas that stiffen up when completing the same motion all day every day. This can help you avoid further injury from lack of range of motion.
Use good posture when sitting at a desk
For those of you who spend your workday typing or completing paperwork sitting down, you know how easy it is to prioritize comfort over posture. This is a mistake that many fall into. In the long run, those comfortable positions end up putting more stress on your body and causing tightness.
Proper posture at a desk includes both feet flat on the floor, a straight back, and relaxed shoulders. These small changes can help you feel better after you log off for the day.
Wear supportive shoes
Anyone who has spent the whole day walking knows how uncomfortable it is to wear flimsy shoes. Beyond comfort, if your shoes are not supporting you enough, it can lead to other problems down the road. Your hips, back, and shoulders can all suffer if your feet are not lined up and walking in a straight motion.
Retail workers, kitchen staff, construction workers, and office employees all need to consider their apparel for work. Considering aspects such as arch support, toe room, and how it affects your gate can help you find the right pair of shoes. From steel toe to non-slip to business casual, support should be one of the factors when selecting the perfect shoe for your workday.
Use caution and avoid injury
The best practice that anyone can employ is caution. Asking for help or asking questions can help you mitigate most risk factors in any workplace. While we do everything we can to avoid injuries, they can still happen occasionally. When they do, chiropractors are a great resource to help you recover and get back on your feet again so you can get back to doing what you do best.
For more information, please contact us.