While we recommend seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, the most important way to…

4 Summertime Road Trip Safety Tips
Summer is in full swing, and this year especially, you’re probably ready to get back outside. No matter where you live, chances are there’s a great trip you can take in your car. If you are planning on taking a road trip, make sure to be smart on the road to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.
Get your car maintenanced
Before you head out the door, make sure your car is in good shape for a long drive. The best way to do this is by taking it into a mechanic or automotive shop. Check with the dealership where you bought the car too; they may service it for free. Make sure they check the brakes, cooling and heating systems, and fluid levels. It’s also a good idea to check the wheels and tire pressure. Confirm your spare tire is ready, too, in case you need it.
Plan ahead
Road trips are enticing because they often involve less planning than other travel, but it’s still important to have a plan before you depart. Decide where you’re going, the route you’ll take and when you want to arrive. If there’s a group of people, decide how often you want to switch drivers. Changing out the driver every few hours is a smart way to keep everyone sharp at the wheel. If you’re driving over multiple days, figure out lodging in advance so you’re not looking for a place to stay late in the day.
Drive during the day
The advantage of a summer road trip is there are more daylight hours during which you can drive. Driving during the day is safer. If you do have to drive at night, make sure to be extra careful. Turn your headlines on as soon as the sun begins to set and keep them on until the sun is up in the morning. Be extra careful when driving through neighborhoods and pedestrian areas. Most importantly, give yourself plenty of time so you don’t feel like you’re in a rush.
Plan for the unplanned
Just like any trip, not everything will go according to the plan. Expect the unexpected and plan ahead for it. It’s always a smart idea to have an emergency kit packed just in case. Bring extra food, water, and a change of clothes. It never hurts to have rain gear, too. It’s also worth having an external phone charger and the numbers of a few key contacts, as well as the numbers for local highway patrol and automotive shops written down. The more prepared you are, the better equipped you’ll be if things change course.
In case of an accident
Planning ahead and driving carefully will reduce your risk of accident, but more hours on the road means there is a higher chance of something happening. If you are in an accident, prioritize your safety first. As soon as you can, call 9-1-1 and report what happened. After, help render aid to others if you can.
As you begin to recover, consider chiropractic care. A chiropractor can develop a recovery plan that fits your needs and injuries. They are particularly versed in neck and back pain, but are capable of helping with any pain you may be experiencing. Their approach to healing is often lower risk than other options and can be maintained even after the pain goes away to help keep your body feeling good.
For more information, please contact us.