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5 Sports Injury Prevention Tips
One of the most common ways people get injured is while playing sports. From professional athletes playing in a stadium to rookies enjoying the warm weather in their backyards, anyone can get injured while enjoying exercise. The good news is that there are steps you can take to help prevent injuries and reduce the likelihood of an injury while enjoying any number of sports. Here are 5 sports injury prevention tips that can help you stay healthy.
Increase your flexibility
A pulled muscle is one of the injuries people are most familiar with. A big reason that people suffer from this pain is due to a lack of flexibility. Notice how a gymnast or a dancer would rarely get a pulled muscle, whereas it’s more common in runners or football players. While all these athletes take care to warm up—which is another important step to preventing muscle injuries—the more flexible athletes can bend their body in different ways and further than others.
Being flexible helps your muscles adapt to stretching in different ways, meaning that if there is a sudden change such as an accidental splits situation or throwing a ball just a little bit too hard, their muscles will have more give and avoid a tear or strain. It’s a good idea for any athlete to increase their flexibility so that they can focus on playing and worry less about accidents. Some great ways to increase your flexibility are by stretching every day and foam rolling. This can be done before, during, and after exercise, and will go a long way in your injury prevention.
Remember to rest
For athletes who love their sport, it can be tempting to play every day or to train harder and harder to improve their performance. While it is important to practice and push yourself to see improvement, it’s also very important to take the time to rest and recover after your hard day’s work. Many people will recommend taking at least one rest day a week, or at least an easier day in your workout schedule. Listening to your body’s needs is a skill that can be hard to learn, but will go a long way in your long term fitness.
It’s also important to take the proper amount of time to recover and heal following an injury. Many people will return to their normal activities as soon as their pain subsides, but in many cases this is too soon. Pushing through the pain can lead to worsening an injury and causing more serious damage. While you’re recovering you can work on rehab exercises to strengthen the affected area and prevent future injuries, but you should allow your body to do what it does best and heal with time.
Hydrate frequently
Everyone knows how important it is to drink water when it’s hot outside, and you probably find yourself reaching for a cold glass after a hard workout. But what people often forget is that staying hydrated is not only good for your burning throat, but also for keeping your body running at its peak performance.
Hydrating allows more flexibility and reduces soreness after your activity. It also helps keep your body at a safe temperature so you avoid overheating and fainting, which can also lead to serious injuries.
Cross train
Cross training means something different for each athlete. For a runner, this might look like taking a day off of the trails and biking or elliptical training for a bit of your training period. For basketball players, this could mean a day of lifting weights or swimming. Basically, it’s finding a way to work out different muscles than your usual training cycle or reducing the stress on your body that it’s used to.
This helps strengthen your whole body and create a balance that can help you prevent injury. It also can serve as a way to reduce impact, which can help prevent shin splints or other soreness pains you might feel. It’s also a good way to switch up your usual routine so you don’t get bored, and it can be a good option for your easy days or to train while recovering from an injury.
Wear the proper equipment
No matter what sport you play, there is a uniform or other equipment that you need to use in order to protect yourself and perform your best. For hockey or football players, this can look like pads and helmets, while soccer players wear cleats and shin guards.
While it’s easy enough for a spontaneous game with friends and family in a park to form, it’s still important to make sure that everyone is properly equipped to avoid injury while playing any sport.
Stay safe and have fun
It can seem tedious to undergo all these precautions, but staying safe will help you have more fun and perform better in the future. Injuries are not only painful, but can be expensive and cause disruptions to your everyday life. Sometimes no matter your best efforts accidents still happen, and when they do there are places you can turn to receive the best care possible. At Accident Treatment Centers, you’re in good hands. Our network of trained doctors are ready to help you through your various pains and get you back to your regular activities.
Contact us here to start your treatment and recovery journey.