While we recommend seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, the most important way to…

What to do if you’re the passenger in a car accident
There’s no better freedom than getting behind the wheel and taking off—sometimes with no destination in mind. Occasionally, it’s nice to be the passenger, free from worrying about the road and able to relax and gaze out the window. As a passenger, you may be counted on to give directions or trusted with choosing music. For the most part, the real responsibility lies with the driver, since the passenger’s safety is in their hands. A car with passengers is at a greater risk of being involved in an accident, according to a recent report. If you happen to be a passenger in a car accident, make sure you know what steps to take to ensure your safety and well-being.
After the crash
As a passenger in a car, it’s possible that you’re not fully focused on the road. If you’re involved in a crash, you can be disoriented and may be unaware of what happened and where you are. Remember, the most important thing after an accident is your physical well-being. As soon as you can, determine if you are seriously injured. If you are hurt to a point where you cannot move, stay where you are and seek help. If you don’t notice any major pain, check yourself for any other signs of injuries. Blood, small cuts, or shards of glass on your body can indicate injuries you may not have noticed at first.
Once you’ve checked yourself, check-in with the driver and other passengers. If someone requires first aid, and you’re in a position to administer aid, do so. If not, call 911 and report the accident. Give them your location and answer any questions they ask. Provide details of everything you remember leading up to the accident. Before they arrive on-site, document the crash site. Notes, sketches, pictures, and videos can all be valuable evidence when recreating what happened. It also may come in handy if the incident goes to court.
When the police arrive, they’ll take an accident report. Again, provide them with a vivid description of the events leading up to the accident. If a second vehicle was involved, make sure you exchange insurance information with the driver and passengers of the other car.
Working toward recovery
The days and weeks immediately following an accident can be physically and mentally difficult. Soreness can set in, and memories of the crash can cause stress and a loss of sleep. Physical injuries from a crash vary. In some cases, a person’s life may be changed after an accident, and in other cases, someone could walk away unscathed. Regardless, it’s important to develop a recovery plan so you can fully recuperate.
Many passengers in car accidents opt for chiropractic care. Many chiropractors have experience working with car accident victims and are familiar with the type of injuries that are common after a crash.
The right chiropractor can offer guidance specific to your injuries and craft a made-for-you recovery plan. Certain stretches, exercises, sleeping positions, and medicines may be recommended to aid you in your rehabilitation. Finding a chiropractor who is conveniently located and has experience with passengers in car accidents can make the recovery process significantly less stressful.
Sitting shotgun again
Accidents are a harsh reality of traveling by car. Remember to apply these steps if you are a passenger who gets in a car wreck. After an accident, your priority is to get better and check on the well-being of others in the car. During your recovery process, consider using chiropractic care.
For more information, please contact us.